Amber Larkin Honored as Everyday Hero for Children with Cancer

In early 2015, Amber was featured on Orlando’s local Channel 13 as an Everyday Hero. She told the story of Noah’s brain cancer journey and how, in his memory, she delved into the world of immune based therapy and her persistence in funding promising research so that no child could be lost to cancer again.
Recently, Amber was invited to a luncheon to honor the 2015 Everyday Heroes, and was very surprised to learn that she was chosen for an award! Each hero was chosen to represent various ways in which they have positively impacted society. Amber was chosen as the winner of the Health Advocate award.
We are honored that our founder’s story inspired Channel 13 to recognize her in this manner. On behalf of Amber and the staff of Noah’s Light Foundation, thank you for bringing attention to the cause of childhood cancer and the families impacted by this disease.